Performance Company
2025-2026 Company Auditions
We're thrilled to invite your dancers to audition for our 2025-2026 Performance Company team this summer! It's a fantastic chance for them to deepen their understanding of choreography and showcase their talents more widely. Participants will enhance their personal growth and boost their confidence and help spread the joy of dance throughout the community!
Mark your calendars for the auditions!
Saturday, May 24th
9:00-10:00 AM, Minis, Ages 5-8, REGISTER
10:00-11:00 AM, Juniors, Ages 9-12, REGISTER
11:00 AM -12:00 PM, Seniors, Ages 13+, REGISTER
Wear all black
Hair up and out of face
Ballet or jazz shoes
Audition numbers- will be handed out at the audition
What we are looking for:
Turns and Leaps across the floor and in center
Learn a short combination
Professional attitude
Come on May 21st from 2 pm-6 pm to pick up a packet with contracts and final decisions on dances
Bootcamp: August 11th-15th
Schedule Coming Soon!
Attendance is mandatory to be on team
If you are Continuous Tuition it is included
If you are pausing for the summer it is a $250 catch-up fee
3-hour rehearsal per dance (during studio hours from 4 pm-8 pm)
5-minute break every hour for snacks, drinks, etc.
Learn the whole routine at bootcamp
Team bonding
Buddy pairings- each older dancer is paired with a younger dancer
Solo, duet, and trio choreography sign-ups throughout the week!
Teal/Green Teams (Ages 5-10)
$55 added to tuition
Weekly rehearsals for each dance (30mins)
Travel expenses for the teachers
Skin-toned footless tights
Rhinestones for costumes
Not Included:
Competition makeup
Company Jacket ($95)
Convention Fees
Competition Fees
Travel expenses for you and your dancer
Purple/Silver Teams (Ages 11-18)
$85 added to tuition
Weekly rehearsals for each dance (30mins)
Travel expenses for the teachers
Skin toned footless tights
Rhinestones for costumes
Not Included
Competition makeup
Company Jacket ($95)
Convention Fees
Competition Fees
Travel expenses for you and your dancer
Solo Pricing (if offered)
10 private lessons (30mins)
Additional cost for more than 10 lessons
Pay for your own costume either through the studio or on your own- teacher must approve of costume before purchase
Duet Pricing (if offered)
$150 per dancer
10 private lessons (30mins)
Additional cost for more than 10 lessons
Pay for your own costume either through the studio or on your own- teacher must approve of costume before purchase
Trio Pricing (if offered)
$100 per dancer
10 private lessons (30mins)
Additional cost for more than 10 lessons
Pay for your own costume either through the studio or on your own- teacher must approve of costume before purchase
This year we are requiring that all company dancers go to a convention. We will announce what convention and what weekend over the summer.
Dance classes from 8 am-4 pm (there will be a lunch break)
Learning from different famous teachers and choreographers from all over the United States!
Becoming more versatile dancers
Auditions at the end of the weekend for scholarships (pay for next year)
Fees can range from $280-$300
Exact dates and locations will be announced over the summer!
2 regional competitions in the March-May months (mandatory)
Usually about an hour and a half to two hours away
1 national competition in summer (optional)
Usually more out of town (ex. Galveston or even Florida!)
A whole week
4 or more people from each group dance must agree to go
We will be doing multiple fundraisers throughout the year to help competition dancers raise money for convention and competition fees. Exact fundraisers and dates will be announced soon!